Sandrine Teixido is a writer, an academic anthropologist and an artist. She is a cultural anthropologist specializing in art, political and environmental anthropology. She completed her PhD in 2018 (EHESS Paris) and is currently teaching in the anthropology department of the University of Toulouse, at design department of the Beaux-arts de Toulouse (IsdaT), and at the CentraleSupélec engineering school. In 2010, she joined the Speap master's program at Science Politique Paris created by Bruno Latour, which brought together artists and researchers. Since, she explores the links between literature, art and anthropology. In 2011, she created the artistic duo A tale as a tool with Swiss artist Aurélien Gamboni, with whom she works on research projects in art and science around environmental issues. They use Edgar Allan Poe's short story, A Descent into the Maelstrom (1841), and have built up an archive of their various investigations in Brazil, Norway and the USA (https://ataleasatool.com). They explore both the conditions of the survey and the modalities of its restitution: map games, participatory cartography, performed lectures, installations, rewritings. They won the Paris Saclay diagonal grant in 2019. In 2021, Sandrine Teixido has written an eco-feminist rewriting of Edgar Allan Poe's short, published by Cambourakis. Her research project on disasters and alerts also won a creative residency at Le Centre Culturel Les arts de Lire de Lagrasse in 2022.